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Converts uncertainty on image plane (matching uncertainty and depth uncertainty) to 3D space for each keypoint. Corresponds to the section III.C in the MAC-VO paper.


class IObservationCov(ABC, ConfigTestableSubclass):
def __init__(self, config: SimpleNamespace):
self.config = config

def estimate(
frame: SourceDataFrame,
kp: torch.Tensor,
depth_cov_map: torch.Tensor | None,
depth_map: torch.Tensor | None,
depth_cov: torch.Tensor | None,
flow_cov: torch.Tensor | None,
) -> torch.Tensor:

Methods to Implement

  • IObservationCov.estimate(self, ...) -> torch.Tensor

    Given N points, each with (u, v) coord, depth value, depth_cov, flow, and flow_cov, output a Nx3x3 tensor s.t. output[i] represents the 3x3 covariance matrix for the inverse-projected point in camera coordinate.


    • frame - SourceDataFrame from GenericSequence.
    • kp - N * 2 FloatTensor, [[u0, v0], ...], uv coordinate of keypoints on current frame
    • depth_map - H * W FloatTensor, Dense depth map for current frame
    • depth_cov - N FloatTensor, [cov0, ...], depth covariance for each keypoint on current frame
    • flow_cov - N * 2 FloatTensor, [[σ²u, σ²v], ...], covariance of flow on u and v direction for keypoint on current frame


    • cov_3d - N*3*3 DoubleTensor, in order of zxy - covariance of keypoint distribution in 3D space projected from the camera.

The output covariance should have double or float64 precision. Though this will lead to slower optimization and less computation-efficient, our experiment indicate that having high-precision covariance is crucial for the high-performance of MAC-VO. (i.e. using float32 for optimization will not work that well)


  • class NoCovariance(IObservationCov):

    Simply predicts identity covariance matrix for each observation.

  • class DepthCovariance(IObservationCov):

    Calculate the uncertainty with flow covariance set to 0 (for both u and v direction). Note that this will result in a degenerated covariance matrix (with rank 1). Therefore, a regularization term is added to create a full-rank covariance matrix.

  • class MatchCovariance(IObservationCov):

    Covariance projection model used and stated in the MAC-VO paper. Utilize the depth and flow covariance to jointly estimate the 3D covariance matrix of each observation / keypoint.

  • class GaussianMixtureCovariance(IObservationCov):

    Model the depth uncertainty of matched keypoint using a Mixture-of-Guassian model instead of the weighted-variance model. See Figure 5.a) and Section III.C for more detail.

    This model is not used by the MAC-VO nor appears in any ablation study.


A modifier takes in an observation covariance model and generates a "new" model by tweaking the input / output of an existing model.

  • class Modifier_Diagonalize(IObservationCov):

    Diagonalize the covariance model by discarding all the off-diagonal terms in 3x3 covariance matrix predicted by another model.

  • class Modifier_Normalize(IObservationCov):

    On every call, it will forward everything to the internal model and normalize the output covariance matrices (by setting average determinant of all points to 1).