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Provides a interface for jointly estimate flow and depth (and optionally their covariances).

Why an additional layer of abstraction?

Sometime the depth estimation and matching are tightly coupled, so we need a way to combine them. For instance, if depth (using disparity) and matching uses the same network with same weight, instead of inference twice in sequential mannor, we can compose a batch with size of 2 and inference once.

How to use this?

  • If there's no specific need (e.g. for performance improvement mentioned above), just use the FrontendCompose to combine an IStereoDepth and an IMatcher. This should work just fine.

  • Otherwise implement a new IFrontend and plug it in the pipeline.


class IFrontend(ABC, Generic[T_Context], ConfigTestableSubclass):
def provide_cov(self) -> tuple[bool, bool]: ...

def init_context(self) -> T_Context: ...

def estimate(self, frame_t1: None, frame_t2: SourceDataFrame) -> \
tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None, None, None]: ...

def estimate(self, frame_t1: SourceDataFrame, frame_t2: SourceDataFrame) -> \
tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None]: ...

def estimate(self, frame_t1: SourceDataFrame | None, frame_t2: SourceDataFrame) -> \
tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None, torch.Tensor | None, torch.Tensor | None]:

Methods to Implement

  • IFrontend.estimate(frame_t1: SourceDataFrame, frame_t2: SourceDataFrame) -> (depth, depth_cov, match, match_cov)

    Given two frames with imageL, imageR with shape of Bx3xHxW, return output where

    • depth - Bx1xHxW shaped torch.Tensor, estimated depth map for frame_t2
    • depth_cov - Bx1xHxW shaped torch.Tensor or None, estimated covariance of depth map (if provided) for frame_t2
    • match - Bx2xHxW shaped torch.Tensor, estimated optical flow map from frame_t1 to frame_t2
    • match_cov - Bx2xHxW shaped torch.Tensor or None, estimated covariance of optical flow map (if provided) from frame_t1 to frame_t2

    If frame_t1 is None, return only depth and depth_cov and leave match and match_cov as None.


    All outputs maybe padded with nan if model can't output prediction with same shape as input image.

  • IFrontend.provide_cov

    Property revealing whether the current frontend model provides flow and depth covariance. Return tuple[bool, bool] where 0-th element is for flow covariance and 1-st element is for depth covariance.

  • IFrontend.init_context(self) -> T_Context

    Works similar to the __init__ method in python, where all used properties are stored in a dictionary and stored at self.context. This is for better static type inference on the property of each implementation of IFrontend.

    In this method you can access the configuration passed on initialization by self.config.


  • class FrontendCompose(IFrontend[ComposeContext])

    A higher-order-module that creates an IFrontend module by combining an IMatcher and an IStereoDepth module.

  • class FlowFormerCovFrontend(IFrontend[ModelContext])

    Given two stereo images taken at time t and t+1, this module jointly estimates the flow between (t+1.Left, t+1.Right) and (t.Left, t+1.Left). The first is used to compute the depth of frame t+1 while the second is used to compute the flow (matching) between frame t and t+1.

    This module also implements various speedup & optimization techniques like torch.jit.script, CUDAGraph acceleration and (release in near future) the TensorRT acceleration.